Chapter 1: The Power of Knowing.
The first chapter in Sally Shaywitz, M.D.’s book, Overcoming Dyslexia, addresses the power of knowing what dyslexia is. Dr. Shaywitz lets us know that, “We now know exactly where and how dyslexia manifests itself in the brain. (p.4)
This innovation is so important because this not only debunks the opinion that dyslexia does not exist, but it also leads to the understanding that allows for effective treatment of dyslexia. Dr. Shaywitz explains that dyslexia is a complex problem that not only affects how a person reads but surprisingly a range of other functions as well, including the ability to spell words, retrieve words, to articulate words and to remember certain facts.” (p.5)
As an educator this analysis resonates with me tremendously. The students that I have had in my classroom that struggled most in reading often, if not always presented the same above difficulties.
In this chapter, Dr. Shaywitz also explains just how prevalent dyslexia really is. “We now know that dyslexia affects one out of every five children. That amounts to 10 million children in America alone.” (p. 6)
This is an astounding figure. And it is even more astonishing when one realizes that there is so much ignorance surrounding a disability that affects so many children. In addition, the effects of dyslexia go beyond the classroom. Dr. Shaywitz shares a heart breaking story of a little girl named Caitlyn who wishes on her birthday cake that she will finally be able to read. When she is still unable to read, she bursts into tears. Once Dr. Shaywitz meets with her and her mom receives the diagnosis of dyslexia for her daughter, along with a specific plan for remediation, her mother feels that, “Now I am in charge of my daughter’s destiny.” (p. 9)
Knowledge about dyslexia is allowing light to be shed on this disorder, and new advances in brain science now mean that it is possible to” (1) identify with a high degree of precision, those children who are the highest risk for dyslexia- even before they develop reading problems. (2) Diagnose dyslexia accurately in children, young adults and adults. (3) Manage the disorder with highly effective and proven treatment programs.” P.10
This first chapter is just the beginning of the incredible insights that Dr. Shaywitz offers in her book about dyslexia and the advances that are now possible in identification and treatment of this disorder. I hope you liked this summary and please comment below to share your own experience with dyslexia.
If you are looking for help with your child and are looking for a quality dyslexia reading tutor in Gaithersburg MD please give us a call today!